This site would not be possible without the help of an amazing team of dedicated individuals.
Sarah Griffth, MPA, RN
Associate Teaching Professor | Washington State University
College of Nursing

Nursing Interns
Meg Beo
Paulina Crownhart
Julia Damon
Veronica Mauri
Jenna VanSanford
Abi Bogen
Nicole Haley
Stephanie Hopkins
Ada White
Ellie Bone
Maritza Mendoza
Claire Sick
Emily Stratton
Addiction Help Finder Round Table Participants
Amanda Dugger, Spokane Regional Health District
Dave Noll, Redeemer Lutheran Church
Hallie Burchinal, Compassionate Addiction Treatment (CAT)
Nicole Rodin, WSU College of Pharmacy
Sarah Grith, WSU College of Nursing

Help Finder Glossary
The Recovery Research Institute, for use of definitions from their Addictionary®
in our glossary: