611 N Iron Bridge Way Spokane WA, 99208


611 N Iron Bridge Way Spokane WA, 99208

611 N Iron Bridge Way Spokane WA, 99208

Phone Number

  • Main phone 509-444-8888 ( Schedule a visit 509-444-8200
611 N Iron Bridge Way Spokane WA, 99208


    611 N Iron Bridge Way Spokane WA, 99208


    Clinics open 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.


    Chas provides support, treatment and prevention services for those with substance use disorder with a variety of substances. It is a non-profit, federally funded qualified health center that provides high-quality medical, dental, pharmacy, and behavioral health services to families and individuals of all ages. Chas is a non-religious organization that accepts most private insurance, Medicaid, Medicare and qualified state insurance. It provides child/adolescent/adult counseling and or medication management, group counseling, substance abuse treatment, peer support, case management and care coordination. It also provides in-patient and out-patient services.

    Insurance Information

    • Medicaid / Apple Health
    • Medicare
    • Private Insurance

    What is Supported?

    Help Offered

    • Treatment
    • Prevention
    • Support

    Substance Help

    • Opioids
    • Alcohol
    • Other Substances

    Who They Serve

    • 18 and Older
    • 17 and Younger
    • CO-ED
    • Serves Males
    • Serves Females
    • Serves All Genders
    • Support Family & Friends
    • Mental Health

    Inpatient / Outpatient

    • Inpatient
    • Outpatient

    Religious Orientation

    Not faith based

    Addiction Help Resources for Spokane Washington and Surrounding Areas

    Our goal is to simplify the path to recovery from addiction by providing a comprehensive, easy-to-navigate website. We highlight addiction help resources in Spokane and surrounding areas, focusing on prevention, treatment, recovery, and support. Designed for all community members impacted by addiction, our platform serves as a centralized hub of information for individuals, loved ones, and healthcare professionals alike.

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